Padres Editorial: What Do You Do When The Padres Have A Day Off?

After their 7-3 victory over the New York Mets yesterday, the San Diego Padres are traveling to Cincinnati today for their series with the Reds, so what’s a fan to do when the Pads have a day off? That’s what we here at Friars On Base want to know, how do you spend your Padres Off-Days?

For me, usually the wife and I will catch up on a show we have DVRed or on Netflix/Amazon Prime.

We just finished up Daredevil – which I highly recommend – last week and are trying to decide on which show/series we want to binge watch next; I’ve also been binge watching the entire series of Vikings, which I’m loving. We narrowed it down to The Fall & Hannibal. Both I know nothing about (except the obvious Silence of the Lambs connection), but heard good things about both of them; plus they each fall into the twisted killer/detective type show my wife likes.

We ended up going with The Fall because it’s seasons are around five episodes each. We’ve only watched the pilot and while we’re going to keep watching, it is a really slooow moving show. Does anyone know if it picks up at all? No spoilers, please.

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Has anyone seen either show? Did we make the right choice? Any other recommendations?

The other, and more probable, option for tonight is watching Game 1 of the NBA Finals.

I’m a Los Angeles Lakers fan, but I’ll admit that Stephen Curry is a baller and one of my favorite NBA players right now. Though they are in the same division as the Lakers, I really have nothing against the Warriors, mostly because they’ve been irrelevant (my entire life) until the last few seasons.

Now, that doesn’t mean I want the Warriors to win. I kind of want to see the, almost scripted, return of Lebron James to Cleveland end with a NBA Championship. It would be like something out of a movie – the stuff of legends. Lebron gets a lot of hate from sports fans, but I’m not one of them. I think the guy is one of, if not the best player in the NBA…though I do fear if Cleveland ever won a Championship we’d never hear the end of it (see Boston).

So, how are you guys spending your Padres Off-Day? Who do you favor in the NBA Finals, or at least think will win?

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