The Editor’s Desk with Billy Brost-It’s Been One Hell Of A Season

Here we sit, with three weeks to go in the regular season, and there is no chance that the San Diego Padres are going to see October baseball. I know, thanks for the news flash Captain Obvious. Sometimes it best to just vent, so you know that you’re not the only one feeling a certain way.

The Padres came into 2014, full of hope, just as many franchises have, only to quickly realize this was going to be One.Long.Season. Record-setting futility at the plate, along with the emergence of a stellar pitching staff, only to watch the ace (at the time) get hurt over and over again, while another (the current ace) rise from oblivion and challenge the very best hitters and teams all season long, and come out on top in Tyson Ross. For every bright spot like the rise of Ross, the Padres have been dealt a blow (injuries to Chase Headley and Jedd Gyorko.) It wasn’t just on the field issues that plagued this team, but the very face and icon of Padres’ baseball and the City of San Diego was taken from us far too soon. While we mourned, and continue to do so, ownership finally had enough of their general manager, and showed Josh Byrnes the door.

As the summer wore on, and the Padres sank deeper into the standings of the NL West, once vital pieces of a Padres’ attack were sold off as the trading deadline quickly approached. Gone are Chase Headley, Huston Street, and Chris Denorfia. Once the deadline came and went, A.J. Preller was hired to give the team a new vision for success. In are rookies Rymer Liriano, and Corey Spagenberg. There are flashes of light, that provide hope, albeit temporary. A baseball season is a marathon, not a sprint. For every painful loss in which the Friars have been shut out, there was the string of games for a couple of weeks following the All-Star break, where we witnessed them putting up double-digit RUNS in a half dozen games. We witnessed some offense. Unfortunately, it did not last. It’s okay. We saw a glimmer. And for the negative? You knew it had to be coming. Cameron Maybin gets popped for using a banned substance, and returned in August. Just when you thought the Padres were free and clear, the latest incident occurs, as Everth Cabrera can’t put down the joint long enough to drive home. Bonehead.

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Don’t worry Padres’ fans. The farm system is one of the best. Preller will get elite talent through the International Free Agent pool, and he may even convince ownership that spending $90-plus million to augment the homegrown talent isn’t a bad idea. We won’t know what will happen until this winter and next spring. At least the Chargers and Aztecs basketball team give us something to look forward to until then! Keep the Faith. At least for three more weeks!