Dave Roberts to bench coach and..."/> Dave Roberts to bench coach and..."/>

Time to make some moves


Tom Szczerbowski-USA TODAY Sports

With the recent promotions of Dave Roberts to bench coach and Jose Valentin to first base coach, the Padres are ready to make some moves for players.  Josh Johnson’s reported interest in playing for the Padres is promising.  Much of the big time free agent news is not directed our way, but that leaves an opening for players with potential.  Johnson is a player with great bounce-back potential similar to Chase Headley.  If the price is right, then let’s go for him.

A possible trade involving Chase Headley is nerve-racking.  I have no idea what type of value the Friars would get in return for him, and the downside of losing Headley could be tremendous.  If the team is only willing to have a payroll in the eighty million dollar range, then the team is stuck relying on potential.  We need to be realistic about what players the front office is willing to go after.  Josh Johnson is realistic.  He is coming off a couple rough seasons, and should be willing to take a pay cut.  The Padres need a pitcher like Johnson, a left-handed version would be ideal.  Are we ready to start making some moves?

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