Padres Editorial: Friars On Base Ranks Their Favorite Baseball Movies Part II

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Editor’s Note: Today, we conclude our Friars On Base staff rankings of our all-time favorite baseball movies, by unveiling numbers 5 through 1. As you can tell, many of us have differing tastes in what we like to see from a baseball movie, but when the rankings were all said and done, there were a handful that we all agreed upon, that held true as the very best baseball flicks of all-time.

There were other classics that didn’t crack the list, simply because when developing the list, I allowed each member of the staff to claim a movie they thought should go on the list. Some of my personal favorites failed to even get an honorable mention, but with any multi-person ranked list, you’re not going to agree with every movie that appears. However, we hope you enjoy the final five! ~B.B.
