Picture of a helicopter drop outside the home around Rancho Bernardo . Mandatory credit goes to CNN.com and http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/damhttps://assets.minutemediacdn.com/vl-prod/assets/140514120236-01-ca-wildfire-0514-horizontal-gallery.jpg
As the Padres’ play a doubleheader in Cincinnati, raging wildfires are engulfing San Diego County over the couple of days. In times like these, sports seems so trivial with those devastating images on every news station locally in San Diego.
However, it is also place where sports and baseball became even more important than wins and losses. The athlete and the team become additional spokesmen for those heroes fighting the fires and the individuals and families that have lost every thing.
The players spread the message of strength and unity of the community to sportsworld and the nation. There expression of concern unite and bring the city even closer to the horrors being seen on the hilltops of San Marcos and Carlsbad.
Following Monday’s 2-1 win against the Cincinnati Reds, Padres’ Chase Headley‘s first thoughts were not about the game winning homerun off Aroldis Chapman, but it was with those affected by the raging fires set off and intensified by the extreme hot and windy conditions in Southern California.
Headley stated to a reporter, “Tell San Diego we’re thinking about them. I know there’s some big-time fires going on. I know some people in our organization that have been affected by it, and I just want to let them know we’re thinking about them.”
A professional sports team is symbol of the city. Its the players and organization that can bring the city and adjacent communities together to heal from the tragedies and devastation that’s taken place.
The San Diego Padres look to the people of San Diego to support them on the field, and at times like these in San Diego County, the community will look for the organization to help support with the relief and donation. In the end, it is one amazing example how baseball and its fans are a family.