Padres Fanfest 2013 brought over 2000 adults, families and children to the ballpark for a chance to get on the field, sit in the dugout, and meet players. With various activities and merchandise sales, and even food and beverage stands open for the day, the atmosphere was festive, and the scenery was great. Petco Park is truly just a beautiful and great place to be, with lots of places to explore and hang out. The highlight of my day came in the form of a group Q&A session with Buddy Black, and AJ Hinch, along with the FoxSports News team. I had a chance to ask Bud Black a question about the 25 man roster and represent Chicken Friars.
Here’s a look at some first hand pictures of the ballpark and Padres Fanfest 2013. I’m getting pumped up about the upcoming season.